TEF-Health is developing a benchmark test and experimentation centre with a threefold objective: 

  • To carry out tests and experiments on AI solutions in real or realistic environments;
  • Implement evaluation activities to facilitate access to the market for trustworthy intelligent technologies, taking into account regulatory requirements (certification, standardisation, code of conduct), and ensuring easy access to these resources (link with digital innovation centres);
  • Optimise investments by capitalising on previous investments.

Real-life and laboratory trials

This project brings together more than 50 partners organised around 7 countries known as "nodes". Each TEF-Health node offers test facilities in real-life conditions, as well as laboratories for experimentation and certification of AI solution providers.

This organisation helps to accelerate the development and market access of AI solutions in healthcare, thanks to the vast testing and experimentation environment.

More globally, TEF-Health's ambition is to increase the efficiency, resilience and sustainability of healthcare systems, reducing inequalities and ensuring compliance with legal, ethical, quality and interoperability standards.


The Belgian component with the UNamur expertise

The Belgian node is coordinated by Charleroi University Hospital. All the Belgian partners are co-financed in equal parts by the European Commission and the Walloon Government, with support from the Walloon Recovery Plan.

The partners of the Belgian node come from a variety of multidisciplinary structures in order to meet the set objective. The Research Centre in Information, Law and Society (CRIDS) at the University of Namur will be specifically responsible for the legal and regulatory aspects of the Belgian node.

 The CRIDS is part of the Namur Digital Institute (NaDI). It has expertise in a wide range of research areas relating to the information society, including telecommunications, privacy, intellectual property, e-commerce, e-government and e-health.

Plan de relance Wallonie
Union européenne

The TEF-Health project (#101100700 - DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02) is funded by the European Union.

More info about the TEF-Health project