The least we can say is that the students are not lacking in imagination when it comes to choosing the theme of their reviews. For example, the medieval fantasy show of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters entitled "Philo-Schola: les fols aventures de la faculté namuroise" (Philo-Schola: the wild adventures of the Namur faculty) or the one of the Faculty of Medicine "Appolomed - Mission Pandorphine" (Appolomed - Mission Pandorphine).


They also spared no effort in creating the sets, in staging and sometimes even in setting the music! It took weeks of preparation to finalise their projects, which they are now ready to show to other students, and of course to their teachers.

The faculties offering journals this year are Philosophy and Humanities, Science and Medicine. The student journals are organised throughout the month of March 2023. For detailed information on each of the journals, click on the links below.